Saturday, March 1, 2025

What are some of the benefits of growing up with a pet dog?

Many people believe that a dog is a man’s greatest friend, but the truth is that a dog is a child’s best buddy. If your children or grandkids ask you to have a dog, consider the incredible influence it will have on their life.

Growing up with dogs has a variety of fantastic benefits that have been discovered, benefits that have been found from infants up to maturity. We’ll look at some of the numerous ways that having a dog may benefit children of all ages. These benefits are listed below:


1. Dog benefits kids with autism

According to research conducted by the University of Montréal, living with a trained assistance dog reduces a child’s stress hormone levels. Many experts have worked on this issue over the years, and while there is still much to learn about it, no one can deny that “animal therapy,” and especially dog ownership, may aid young children in extraordinary ways.


2. Kids who live with dogs are less likely to have eczema

According to a University of Cincinnati (College of Medicine) research, children who grow up with dogs and have a dog allergy are four times less likely to develop dermatitis. The reasoning is that while a moderate allergy would not hurt a child, dealing with it will make him far more resistant to the consequences of eczema.


3. Children growing up with dogs are more intelligent

Caring for another person’s life will force your youngster to mature into a more empathetic human. Feeding or walking them, which they may choose to do at times, will require them to step outside of themselves and practice being unselfish. “Having pets is an INVALUABLE assistance for helping the students grow pride, care, and understanding for the needs of themselves and others,” remarked one teacher who took part in research concerning classroom pets.

Caring for a pet also boosts a child’s self-esteem. Small duties (such as replenishing their water dish) can make them feel capable and will provide them with a feeling of success.


4. Dogs help children to speak

As your child begins to learn about the world and their family, the relationship between you and them begins to strengthen. This is also the time when kids begin to learn orders by seeing their parents speak to their dog. Commands are straightforward, one-word instructions, and they are likely to be one of the first things a youngster is drawn to when starting to talk, out of a need to communicate.

I’ve seen babies as young as one learning to say “Nala,” “sit,” and “down” when the rest of their speaking is baby babbling. This encouragement will help them get through their speech more quickly.


5. Growing up with a dog increases your physical activities

Pets give a unique opportunity for youngsters to participate in physical activity both indoors and outside, whether taking a stroll or playing fetch. As an added advantage, enabling youngsters to burn off energy alongside their dogs may tire out both rowdy parties, benefiting the entire family.

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