Tuesday, January 28, 2025

How to keep your pet comfortable in winter?

When the winter months roll around, there are a few things you should do to keep your dog warm and healthy, regardless of whether your area experiences snow and wind chills below zero or slightly warmer temps and rain. However, as the temperature decreases, your dog’s tolerance for the cold also decreases. 

Poodle puppy wearing a jacket in winter.

Here are 5 ideas that will help you out to keep your dog safe in winter: 


1. Keep dog’s paws clean 

Your dog’s paws may become thick with salt, deicer, and ice on walks. Then, if your dog licks them, he can be consuming poisonous substances. Make sure to clean your dog’s paws down and look for ice buildup each time you come inside from the cold. Additionally, remember to cut your dog’s nails. Before taking your dog outside in the snow, we advise applying paw balm to their feet to create a barrier between their skin and the salts used on our sidewalks and roadways. 

2. Provide a warm place to sleep 

Your dog should be warm enough throughout the winter with a cozy bed and a thick blanket. However, if your dog sleeps in a particularly chilly or draughty area of the house, think about investing in a self-warming pet mat or a mat with a detachable microwaveable heating pad. These mats trap your dog’s body heat. 

Just be careful to keep everyone safe; your dog should be able to independently exit the bed. If you have any concerns regarding the properly heated pet beds, speak with your veterinarian. 

3. Watch for Frostbite 

When the dog becomes cold, frostbite sets in. To stay warm, the body automatically pulls blood from the extremities to the center. The tissues in the dog’s ears, paws, or tail may become so cold that ice crystals develop and cause tissue damage. The challenging thing to keep in mind regarding frostbite is that it’s not always visible. Keep an eye out for any signs of pale or grey skin; the skin may also become stiff and icy. Areas that have been frozen can become very painful when they warm up. Skin that has been severely frostbitten will eventually become black and peel off. 

4. Step outside when the sun is out

 Avoid early morning or late evening walks if your dog complains of the cold and try to take her for a walk in the late morning or early afternoon when it’s a little warmer. Spend time playing outside when it’s sunny; this will provide you and your pet the added benefit of getting vitamin D. Instead of using sticks, which can lead to choking and other accidents, play fetch with toys. So, if your dog enjoys chewing and chasing, bring a ball, Frisbee, or other safe toy and play outside in the sunshine. 

5. Keep your dog hydrated


Ensure that all dogs have constant access to fresh, non-frozen water. Additionally, heating bowls are available for pets kept outside. To maintain their metabolism over the winter, dogs that live outdoors may be fed extra, but before making dietary changes for your dog, consult your vet. 

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