Saturday, October 5, 2024

2019 Pet Blogger Challenge: Get To Know Us

We celebrate the pet blogger. 2019 is the 9th year for Fidose of Reality, and we celebrate our fans, our followers, and our loyal readers who have helped up us become a relied-upon destination for Cocker Spaniels and their canine friends. Dog health and wellness are our specialties and main areas of interest. As a pet blogger, I thought it would be fun to partake in the yearly Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by the folks at Go Pet Friendly.

Each blogger is asked the same series of questions. I’d like to go behind the green curtain and allow our loyal followers a personal peek into our lives. I get to know you through your emails, texts, DMs, and posts, so now the tables are turned and the spotlight is on me. Once you read through my Q&A, scroll down and you can learn more about pet bloggers in the list at the end.

On Pet Blogging

For those who may be visiting your blog for the first time, how long have you been blogging and what is your main topic?

I started blogging for other pet-related companies long before I started doing it for myself. I was hired by a then-fledgling dog magazine as a writer and eventual managing editor. Realizing they did not have a blog, I suggested allowing me to do it. It worked, it won an industry award, and the rest, as they say, is her-story. Jumping off from blogging for others to blogging for myself came to fruition in the summer of 2011, when Fidose of Reality was founded.

Fidose of Reality has evolved into a health and wellness resource for Cocker Spaniels and their canine friends.

Proudest Moment

What was your proudest blogging moment of 2018?

For the first time in a while, I have a few proudest moments. Here are the five:

  1. I received the Dog Writer’s Association of America Distinguished Service Award sponsored by the American Kennel Club and accepted the role as President of the Dog Writer’s Association of America for a 2-year volunteer term starting in mid February, 2019.
  2. Helping to save the lives of other dogs through my writing and my own dog’s health challenges. To receive letters and notes from dog parents telling me how something I blogged alerted them to go to the vet or to have a conversation with their veterinarian means everything to me.
  3. The decision to take my blog to the next level and make this one part of my very own business. The growth of my blog, support of my followers, and intrinsic desire to pursue my passion contributed to this decision.
  4. Being asked to cover the Beverly Hills Dog Show as a NBC Social Media Correspondent.
  5. I co-authored a pet blogger book that will be out soon along with Maggie Marton of Oh My Dog Blog. Come join our Pro Pet Blogger Facebook group to keep up and stay in the mix!

Pet Blogging Challenge

What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2018, and how did/will you tackle it?

In March of 2018, I learned that my position at BlogPaws under Chewy’s leadership would be eliminated. For those who do not know, I was the Marketing/PR/Social Media Manager at BlogPaws for close to seven years. My family and I, Dexter included, attended all 10 BlogPaws Conference and I helped to grow the community and company to the social media pet industry icon it became.

One thing I have learned in my life after three corporate mergers with eventual layoffs: It’s not the action of the corporations that define you…it’s how you react, rise up, reinvent, and own your destiny that says it all. I will never walk away from something that is in my DNA and I feel so strongly about.  I am never leaving the pet blogging world. I can’t change some things, but I can change me and my direction so that I am a part of this amazing tribe that I love from the bottom of my heart. Pet bloggers, unite, our time is now. We are a force with which to be reckoned.

Favorite Blog Posts of 2018

Which of your 2018 blog posts was your favorite and why? (Please include a link.)

Anyone who has ever suffered the loss of a beloved dog, or any animal for that matter, I empathize, sympathize, and walk this path of hell with you. Wounded warriors we are: All this love we used to give away is now contained within the deep recesses of our hearts. I came home from the experience and blogged this post: My Deceased Dog Connected With Me In The Twilight Zone.

Which of your 2018 posts was most popular with your audience? Why do you think it does so well?

In the fall of 2017, my dog Dexter, was diagnosed with IMT, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, a life-threatening disease that nearly took him, without warning, from this world. I was devastated, shocked, but determined. I blogged his journey and have helped other dog parents whose dogs are suddenly afflicted with IMT. The blog post from October 2018 that highlights my dog’s journey over a year was popular. Journey of a Dog With IMT: One Year Later

And the original post remains a heavily trafficked post with purpose: Help for Dogs Fighting IMT

New Features

Did you implement a new series, feature, or practice on your blog in 2018 that you’re enjoying?

Wendy Shankin-Cohen, President and CEO of Dr. Harvey’s Fine Health Foods for Companion Animals asked us to visit the company’s headquarters in beautiful Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Since my dogs have been consuming their food, treats, and supplements for over 20 years, my family and I, dog included, went road tripping to their healthy headquarters. My wife and I drove out with our dog, Dexter. I signed on a blog ambassador and I’ve been teaching my readers about healthy eating in dogs and why it matters.

Social Media Changes

As the social media landscape changes, how are you promoting your blog posts and connecting with new readers?

Club Cocker: Wigglebutts Worldwide Facebook Group: For Cocker Spaniels and their canine friends: Club Cocker

More video and investment of time and equipment with videos is something we are getting more into as well.

2019 is the year for me to finally embrace Pinterest kicking and screaming. I just love Facebook and Instagram, but Pinterest sends traffic our way. We need to embrace it.

2019 Goals and Steps

Looking forward to 2019, if you accomplish only one thing through your blog, what do you hope it is?

Book sales for several books and monetize the blog itself more.

What steps are you planning to take to ensure you reach your goal?

Business plan, dedicate steps to make it happen, and a wife to help me get there. We have a few trips planned, too.

Where We Could Use Help

Advanced SEO and Pinterest tips.

Fun Facts

My heart beats dog®. I so very much believe and live that mantra, that I have it permanently tattooed on my left bicep, see?

Our goal is to be a great resource for folks who love dogs and love to read all things dog related. Bookmark our site and always stay informed.

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